The Development of Motion Pictures

By world war one, (July 1914), the motion picture was a fully developed form of entertainment with audiences in the millions, whereas television existed only crudely in early laboratory experiments.

The YouTube video shows an example of a motion picture but for a better explanation, a motion picture is a series of still pictures rapidly projected on a screen in such a way that the viewer perceives smooth motion.


So now that you know what a motion picture is, I’m sure you’re wondering what sort of equipment these guys used to create a motion picture.

Well, they used technology such as photography, flexible film and box cameras, they used the illusion of motion and they used the art of capturing and projecting motion with film. They used cameras like a motion picture camera, a Vitascope and a Kinetoscope.

A man by the name of William Dickson, developed the first practical motion picture camera and Thomas Edison and assistant Thomas Armat, developed a reliable projector system and obtained US patent for the ‘Vitascope.’


In creating motion pictures, each picture was made on a polished copper plate that had been coated with gleaming silver. In the total darkness, the silver coated plate was exposed to iodine fumes, which formed a thing coating of light sensitive iodine on its surface. Then when the well protected plate was placed in a camera and then briefly exposed to a strongly lightened scene, the pattern of light and dark entering the lens of the camera altered the silver iodine.

Chemical baths then fixed the image to the plate.

The brain will persist in seeing an object when it is no longer visible. We ‘see’ an image for a fraction of a second after the thing itself has changed or disappeared. If we are presented with one image after the other, the visual persistence of the first image fills the time long so they seem continuous.

Dr. Peter Mark Roget, 1824

Thanks for reading guys, I hope this blog was an educational and interesting lesson.

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